HRDN / Projects / Institutional Capacity building of Federal Ombudsman
Institutional Capacity building of Federal Ombudsman
Thematic area:
Peace and tolerance to curtail the terrorism and violence
Project duration:
Donor agency:
Geographical Location:
Project Objectives:
To create awareness among 5500 ordinary citizens of Islamabad regarding available public entities and bodies which have been established for grievance redressal including federal ombudsman office through media campaign
To provide a plat form such as “citizen group” for citizens and civil society to discuss and then advocate for strengthened citizen’s voices for grievance redressal through the office of the Ombudsmen Islamabad
To undertake advocacy activities for making the voice of most disadvantaged group (such as women, children, youth etc.) heard through stakeholders dialogues and seminar
To advocate and contribute for institutional strengthening, transparency and effective service delivery by the office of the ombudsman through stakeholder dialogues and capacity building
Baseline and end line data collected to guage the knowledge of citizens regarding office of FO, 10% had at the baseline, while at the endline showed 30% people having knowledge about FO.
Communication strategy developed for media to enhance the effective and systematic communication
Capacity building of 60 officials of Ombudsman office in IT and management skills
Stakeholders’ dialogues on the role and responsibilities of Ombudsman institution.
Song on peace for prosperity written by university professor and sung live at different locations of the project intervention areas
Seminar and panel discussion by experts from government functionaries conducted, around 200 participants attended
Case studies and awareness raising campaigns with media conducted