Mr. Sharif Khan a seasoned Civil servant served the country especially Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in various positions for almost 15 years since 1984. In 1999 he got the opportunity to lead the team as Regional General Manager (Government Representative) at NRSP on a joint project Agriculture Development Component of Swabi Scarp. The project targets were achieved with flying colours in the year 2002, utilizing 15 million dollars.
It was a shift of Mr. Sharif Khan to the development sector. He remained at NRSP as RGM, started micro-credit and social mobilisation/organisation, and spread its operations to many districts of KP. Worked in collaboration with many donor agencies, many UN organs and agencies, ADB, World Bank etc till 2005.
In 2010, when NRSP signed a project, Assessment and Strengthening Programme, (ASP), with US AID, which was a capacity-building project for the federal and provincial government departments he once again lead the team as Provincial Programme Director for Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Province till 2015.Worked with almost all provincial departments in identifying their shortcomings suggesting remedies and building capacities of the staff at various levels in taking better and well-informed decisions.