
Ms. Shahida Kazmi

Ms. Shahida Kazmi

Senior HR Advisor / Freelance Consultant

Shahida Kazmi is the Senior HR Advisor, Freelance Consultant on Soft Skills and Life Skill Coach and Mentor. She has more than 18 Years of experience in General Management, HR Management and Training and development in the private sector. As senior manager team she has contributed to the organizations in promoting Organizational mandate, Core Values and Operating Principles. She has developed and established standard administrative and human resource management systems. Has  worked extensively on Change Management, Organizational restructuring and Organizational Development (OD), and Organizational Restructuring in Development sector and in NGO sector of Pakistan.
To complement her change management, performance management and organizational development expertise, she offers a sense of determination, strong decision-making abilities, a knack for dealing with difficult situations without becoming emotionally involved, an ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations and a capacity to bring a sense of growth even in challenging situations as well. Strong interpersonal skills are a requirement in this line of work and it is something in which she excels.
She is closely involved in staff capacity building, Training and Development. She worked on designing of Jobs, job Analysis, Preparing Job Description Manuals, Recruiting Processes, and assessing Workflow, Orientation and Capacity Building of the employees. I have trained over 800 Management Trainees so far. She has extensively worked on Performance Management and appraisal systems. Strategic Management, development and implementation of human resource strategy and action plans to support businesses’ short and long-term objectives, Components of action plans include Talent Planning, Leadership Development, Compensation and Communications are the cornerstones of my success in the field of Human Resources.

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