
Mr. Tariq Mahmood

Mr. Tariq Mahmood

Director of Planning and Development NAVTTC

Tariq Mahmood is a graduate of Economics from the University of London UK and has a multi-sectoral & multidimensional professional experience of over 18 years to his credit. He remained GM of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance at PEMRA, Director of Planning and Development NAVTTC, Visiting Faculty FAST, Manager PMER -PRSP etc. He has successfully launched & managed socio-economic & rural development, sustainable livelihood, technical & vocational training (TVET) and capacity building & skill development projects during his professional employment with government and donors alike. He is well conversant with M&E of development & social projects, proposal & report writing for donors, TVET reforms, donor coordination, development planning and appraisal of development projects. Additionally, Graduate level teaching, academic research and training also account for his areas of passion & concentration. The academic assignment has been taken up for over a decade with renowned universities and institutes in the country. A seasoned economist, academician, trainer, media regulator

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