Dr. Saeed Ismail is a child specialist and he has made his mark in community health and development. He is the founder member of the Health and Nutrition Development Society (HANDS). His expertise lie in health, education, poverty alleviation and rural development with cross cutting programs of Social Mobilization, Gender, Human and Institutional Development and Disaster Management.
He was also actively involved in Baanhn Beli an NGO working in areas of health, education and rural development. He is also actively involved in Baanhn Beli an NGO formed by an urban rural development alliance. Dr. Saeed has conducted many trainings on primary health care and community mobilization for doctors, postgraduates, paramedics, community health workers, mothers and various NGOs.
Mr. Ismail has done his MBBS from Dow Medical College Karachi, after which he received his MCPS in pediatrics from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan. He is also a fellow of LUMS McGill SEDC (Social Enterprise Development Centre). Under this programme he underwent training as Master Trainer with specialization in People and Organization. He has also completed his training for MBA degree from IBA Karachi.