
Mr. Syed Zahid Ali Shah

Mr. Syed Zahid Ali Shah

Managing Partner

Professional Management & Livelihood consultant with over 20 years of experience in Financial Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, SME & MSE sector development and Livelihood


  • Financial Management & Budgeting
  • Enterprise Development & Capacity Building
  • Monitoring, Evaluation & Impact Assessment of Projects
  • Report Writing & Analysis
  • MSE & SME business plans
  • Proposal Development
  • Business Plans development and business establishment
  • Policy Development and Analysis
  • Strategic Management
  • Entrepreneurship & startups concept and development
  • Government Liaison & Coordination


  • Proposal Development on health, education and livelihood for donor funded projects
  • Proposal development for government projects in health, education, alternative energy and IT solutions
  • Evaluation & Impact Assessment Studies
  • Report Writing & Evaluation
  • Data Compilation and Analysis
  • Development of training manuals
  • Business plan development and startups
  • Project Pitching
  • Government Liaison and facilitation for private sector organizations

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